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About Me!

I am a Florida-based, self-taught landscape and nature photographer.  I was born and raised in beautiful South Africa, with a backdrop of mountains and the ocean at my doorstep. I grew up surrounded by incredible natural beauty, just begging to be photographed.  I was raised by two nature /travel lovers, and my formative years were spent exploring my country’s mountain trails, wandering its wild beaches and rugged coastline and, searching for wildlife in its parks. As a family we also ventured further afield to the U.K., Europe and the United States.  All of these experiences instilled in me an appreciation for travel and the natural world with all it’s incredible beauty.   I always felt a pull towards nature, wild places and their quiet solitude and even went on to study nature conservation – determined to spend my life in “the wild”.


I received my first point-and-shoot camera at the age of 5, but it took me a good many years before I produced anything worth looking at.  In my early 20’s, after completing my BSc., I spent two years living abroad in London, and while there I purchased my first “real” (well, still a point and shoot, but with a lot more features) camera.  During that period, I travelled to Canada where I spent a month backpacking across the country.  I was naturally drawn to the mountains and dramatic scenery of Alberta and British Columbia and I think this was the turning point in my photography “career” - where my hobby developed into a serious passion.   Eventually on my 30th birthday, my dear dad bought me my first film SLR, which I still have to this day (I’m somewhat sentimental).  From here my work improved in leaps-and-bounds.  I vowed never to go digital (I’m a bit of a purest), but it’s hard to compete with the digital world.  I now shoot exclusively in digital format. 

My photography has taken me to some incredible places, including India, Australia, Costa Rica, Svalbard, and of course back, many times, to my motherland South Africa.  As a photographer I’ll never be satisfied - my passion pushes me to continually improve in the hope of someday creating that perfect image.  There are so many incredible photographers out there that offer inspiration and show me what is possible, that it’s impossible to be complacent. I want my images to inspire people to travel and explore this amazing world we live in and to conserve its natural resources for generations to come.  

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